Sunday, January 31, 2010

A good Daddy's work is never done...

Brina's crib was one of the very first items we got for her room. We had a great coupon and wanted to make sure it did not go to waste because my nana, (Brina's great Nana) sent us money to buy the crib and the mattress too! She sent the sweetest letter which of course made me tear up and will go in Brina's baby book. Matt is so much better at putting things together than I am so he took care of this for her. I already know there is nothing he won't take on, just by watching all the projects he has gotten done in the past couple of months getting ready for her. :)

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Tracking the Belly Growth

37 weeks
36 weeks!
35 weeks
34 weeks!
33 weeks! Unfortunately we missed 32. Sorry!
31 weeks
30 weeks
29 weeks
28 weeks
27 weeks
26 weeks
25 weeks
24 weeks
23 weeks
22 weeks
21 weeks
20 weeks
19 weeks
18 weeks
17 Weeks

At 17 weeks Matt and I started tracking my belly progress. You can really tell where 'we' hit our growth spurts!

Anantomical Ultrasound

We had an anatomical ultrasound at 20 weeks 5 days. She was a jumping jelly bean while the tech got all of the specific shots she needed. Until....she needed to measure her spine; Brina passed out! The lady kept having me switch positions and was shaking my belly but she would NOT budge! She ended up eventually complying, but only for a second. The doctor reviewed our session and let us know the baby is looking great and she is right on track! My favorite picture is the one of her little feet. :)

Christmas Surprise

The day after Christmas we had a 3D/4D ultrasound. We decided since my mom and Mark, and Matt's aunt Sue, uncle Tony, and cousin Michael would be celebrating the holiday with us, it would be a perfect time to surprise them. They didn't know until Christmas evening that we would be going in to find out Brina's gender! While we were there, Mark got the tech saying "it's a Girl!" caught on video! It was great, and of course everyone had tears in their eyes. We finally knew we could think PINK! This was at 19 weeks and 1 day.

Baby Brina - The dancing queen!

Brina is one active little munchkin! It seems like she never stops moving. Even her doctor can't help but crack up at how much of a maniac she is at our appointments and in the ultrasounds. These are the first pictures we have of her looking like a baby! This was at 15 weeks and 6 days.

Meet Brina Annalee McKee!

This is the very first picture we have of our little girl! Of course at the time we did not know if she was a boy or girl yet, (well, Matt was convinced she was a girl!), but this was a very emotional day for us. We had recently found out we were pregnant and hadn't even told everyone yet! She looks like a little dot here, but had an incredibly fast heartbeat and instantly became the most important person in the world to us! She was 5 weeks and 6 days old.