Saturday, February 27, 2010

3D Ultrasound at 28 weeks!

Hand in her mouth.
Nibbling on her umbilical cord.
And yes, that is her toe in her nose. She got that from her daddy, not me!
This one is of the side of her face and her leg is coming over her head! You can see the umbilical cord going past the bottom of her face too. She was chewing on it for awhile, right after she was picking her nose, eating her hand, and putting her toes on her head!

We got our second 3D ultrasound done today! Brina is 28 weeks and 1 day old, and she was being so stubborn! At first she was facing my back, and then when she finally moved enough for us to see her face she had her two hands and her foot in front in front of it! Luckily toward the end of our session our tech got some good shots of her sweet little face. :) Her hand was still in most of them, but they were still cute as ever.

Friday, February 12, 2010

We received our first receiving blankets!

Today I got three receiving blankets in the mail from my mom! She double stitched them for me so that I can wash them without having to worry about ruining them. I am so excited to wrap baby Brina in them--they are so soft! :)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Made with Love

These are the blankets that have already been made for Brina! The two quilts my mom made and the lady bug blanket was made by my cousin Jamie. I can't wait to bundle up my peanut in them! She will always be cozy and warm, and know she was loved before she even got here.

A little bit at a time...

This kid has more clothes than Matt and I combined! Those 8 pink rubbermaids are full of them. Luckily, her cousin Sophia sends her all of the clothes she has grown out of, so Brina will always be in style!
Right above this shelf is where we will hang the birth announcement Brina's Great-Nana is making her. :)

Still on the mission for the right curtains.
The pack and play will eventually go downstairs, since this is where the dresser/changing station is going to go. We are just protecting it from the cats for the time being.
This is the progress we have made on Brina's room so far. There still are a couple of things that need to come out, and a lot of things that need to go in!

Monday, February 1, 2010

The Nursery-To-Be

This is when we painted Brina's room. Matt did the taping, and I did the painting. We decided to only paint part of the wall because we didn't want the 'Candy Ice' to overwhelm the room! Matt did a really great job of making the lines just right so we did not have to go back and fix them.