Sunday, March 14, 2010

Brina's room!

Three diaper bags--one for daycare, and one for both Mommy and Daddy's cars. :) Of course, Matt's will be the man looking one on the right. He's too cool for pink. :)
Some of the really cute picture frames we have received.
Grandma Sue (Matt's Aunt) bought Brina's rocking chair! It is incredibly comfy and is going to get a lot of use.
My sister Jessica bought Brina her car seat. We are going to go down to the fire station to have them help show us how to install it properly in the baby-mobile! (aka my Toyota Highlander)
Grandma Cathy bought Brina her incredibly cute bouncer and it has been the only thing Matt did not put together so far. (Go Mom!) The animals on it are so adorable and match the room's jungle theme.
Ummm....Matt ninja'd my photo. Let's hope Brina doesn't get her moves from her Daddy~!
Matt hung the curtains today, and put the rocking chair and car seat together.

So this is Brina's room so far. It seems to finally be coming together, especially now that we have her curtains hung up to block out the light when she is sleeping. I got a little choked up in the room today because I just can't believe that my baby peanut is going to be here in just 10 weeks! It seems like a long time but I know it is going to be here faster than I'll be ready for. I cannot wait to meet her! Thankfully, Matt has been an awesome handy man or this room would not look like this!